Our survey says...
In December 2016 Bishopdown Farm Preschool sent a questionnaire out to all parents and carers who were attending in the Autumn term of 2016. We had an incredible response rate of 39% so can be confident of the findings. Overall the responses to the survey were overwhelmingly positive. Below is a summary of both the quantitative and qualitative data collected in the survey. 100% of those surveyed said “yes” Bishopdown Farm Preschool provides a rich and interesting environment which helps my child to learn and develop. The following comments were made: “Looking at the Tapestry I can see all the amazing fun things she does” “She has learned loads of songs, numbers etc.” “He has really developed in Lambs” “The activities that he does at school he Absolutely Loves.” “The boys both love all the baking they can do at the new building and going to Greentrees hall” “She enjoys going and tells me of all the fun activities she’s done at preschool” 100% of those surveyed selected “yes” to the statement Bishopdown Farm Preschool meets my child's particular needs “Staff are very in tune with offering additional support when new situations overwhelm my child. Thank you!!” “The support is fantastic! Especially with the toilet training.” “Adapting routines to help with settling I believe has been beneficial (use of routine board)” “School do a good job of identifying [her] strengths and weaknesses and adapt the way they communicate with her accordingly.” “[He] seems to have settled with no problems and I wish I’d [moved him here] sooner.” 100% of those surveyed said “yes” Bishopdown Farm Preschool keeps my child safe and provides a good level of care and support “I know he is in good hands with all the staff” “Always feel supported by preschool when discussing what the boys are working through at home e.g. - potty training” “Nurturing environment, always feel can talk with key-worker” “Feel fully supported by staff and a very secure environment” “Good pick-up system - password if person picking up isn’t on the list.” 100% of those surveyed said “yes” Bishopdown Farm Preschool informs me of my child's progress and achievements “Regular parents evenings are good “The weekly Facebook updates are really lovely to know more of what they’ve been up to so I can ask more leading questions when I talk with [him] about what he’s been doing. Thank you!” “We love getting updates on Tapestry and FaceBook” “Tapestry is great, easy to show family members what they are getting up to at preschool” “Great updates on Facebook page and Tapestry” “We love the Tapestry idea!” “Tapestry system is a great idea! I love seeing what she’s been up to, good communication/contact with keyworker via letters and appointments (parents evening).” 96% (25 out of the 26) said “yes” they have a positive relationship with preschool. There was one parent who ticked “unsure”. “Everybody has been friendly and helpful” “[Our son] hasn’t been with you long but he always comes out happy and excited to tell us what he’s got up up :-)” “Having only started 2 months ago, I am very satisfied with the preschool and all staff in contact with [my daughter]. Very friendly and welcoming!” 92% said “yes” communication with preschool is good; it takes account of my suggestions and concerns and answers my queries. “Amazing staff, always helpful, couldn’t ask for more” “All staff very approachable, very good at highlighting achievements and concerns after sessions” “Any member of staff is happy to answer any queries I have, particularly Marie and Ruth. They’re very quick at actioning things. I had problems accessing Tapestry and it was dealt with promptly and I was kept in the loop at all times.” Everyone surveyed apart from one person knew who their child’s key worker was. “He adores his key worker” “Yes, both lovely key workers who are genuinely interested in my children, but all staff are approachable and I feel comfortable talking to any of them about the boys” “Lovely lady!” “[she] struggles building connections with people outside her family but she has a lovely relationship with Ruth. Ruth selected [her] to bring Trumpet the teddy home for the weekend and she LOVED it!” Overall, 100% of parents and carers were happy with their child's experience at Bishopdown Farm Preschool. “I’m glad I chose this pre-school” “[He] loves coming to preschool!” “I’m very happy with [his] experience at nursery” “I’m really happy with [her] progress so far and I’m sure over time she’ll flourish even more.” “Brilliant preschool! [My daughter] loves coming and always has a great time. Thank you all for your amazing support with toilet training. Couldn’t of done it without you :-) “ “We are very happy, he is happy and loves his time at preschool.” “Extremely! Thank you to you All!” “Definitely - have recommended to a number of people. The boys have both grown in confidence since joining Preschool.” “Very happy” “... [he] hasn’t been with you long but we’re confident [he] will continue to enjoy his preschool experience - all the staff are lovely!” “Given that [our daughter] is excited to go to preschool and to tell me about her day when she finishes suggests that she’s really enjoying it which makes me feel happy and comfortable knowing she’s having a positive experience. EXTREMELY SATISFIED! Well done ladies :-)” “My son loves preschool” “...it is clear she enjoys it” “She looks forward to preschool and is a bit sad she doesn’t go on a Friday… :-)” “[He] loves attending preschool. It is a lovely friendly environment” “You have All been Fab with all 3 of ours.” “They love all the activities and playing outside with the toys and their friends” “Very happy, enjoys better than other pre-schools”